About the University
Message from the President

Yutaka Tsujinaka

Jikyo-Yamazu -- Welcome to the journey for finding your own starting point and establishing your field!

Toyo Gakuen University was established in 1926, in the turbulent decade after World War I and the Great Kanto Earthquake, immediately before the start of the Showa Era (1926 to 1989), which was a great turning point in the history of Japan. The university has accumulated 100 years of history at the edge of the Hongo Plateau near Korakuen in Tokyo. Our founding spirit is Jikyo-Yamazu (自彊不息), a quote from the Classic of Changes that is the oldest book among the Five Classics. This word is also important for us because we live in the 2020s of the 21st century, which is another great turning point. However, it seems that I need to explain a little about it because it is a very old classical phrase.

Take a close look at the kanji character 彊 in 自彊. It consists of 弓 (bow), 一 (a boundary line), 田 (rice field), another 一, another 田, and still another 一. It is a pictograph meaning marking boundaries between rice pads and protecting them with a bow and arrows. In other words, 自彊不息 means continuing to strengthen the field you love, with certainty on your own.

As our founding spirit, this word means making constant, voluntary efforts to continue learning. And the first important thing to do is to find a field that you love. Once you find it, you will no longer feel it difficult to make efforts because you have a passion for that field.

But where is the field you like? Actually, this is the question. Such a field should differ from person to person, especially among young people who have yet to establish their identity.

As the kanji 彊 indicates, the field was rice paddies or farm fields for farmers in the past. What is it for you, as a person living in the 21st century? Toyo Gakuen University is a very caring university that develops globally competitive human resources in response to our changing times. Our diverse faculty members support you in your journey to your own field, sincerely and carefully, from the three essential angles of global perspective and reliable (communication) skills, deep understanding of humanity, and human organization management.

While you are learning at this university (and graduate school), we will surely give you any help needed to find your favorite field where you can continue to work for the rest of your life.

With the COVID-19 pandemic and unexpected upheavals in global politics and the economy, the future now looks as uncertain as if it were in a dense fog. Even at a time like this, if you have your own field and solid starting point, you can keep moving forward by conducting your everyday life properly, without being confused by the flood of information or losing your way.

This Hongo Campus is an optimal place and departure point for your quest for your own field.

In the modern times of Japan, more than 150 years of this country’s journey since the Meiji Restoration, the pursuit of advanced knowledge began here on the Hongo Plateau, the place where you are starting your own journey. There will be many roads leading from this place.

Well, you should depart now. Welcome to the delightful journey in search of yourself.

Yutaka Tsujinaka Profile

President Tsujinaka majored in political science at the Graduate School of Law and Politics, Osaka University (Master of Arts program) and received his doctorate degree (in law) from Kyoto University. He was a visiting fellow (Fulbright, ACLS) at Cornell University (1989-1991). He served as a professor of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and a vice president of the University of Tsukuba, as well as a professor of School of Political Science and Economics and a vice president of Tokai University. He also served as an administrative board member of the International Association of Universities (2012 to 2016), the president of the Japan Political Science Association (2014 to 2016), and councilor and trustee of Toyo Gakuen before accepting his current position.