Be a Togaku Abroader!
Dr. Sarah Louisa Birchley
Director, International Exchange Center
Not all classrooms have four walls…let the world be your classroom!
Under our philosophy of "cultivating internationally-minded people," the International Exchange Center offers a variety of overseas study and international exchange opportunities to deepen your studies at the University. By combining the knowledge you have gained from books and classrooms with what you actually experience abroad or through international exchange on campus, you will surely acquire the ability to respond to a globalized society. As you navigate new experiences, we want you to see a new world, a new Japan, and a new self.
The International Exchange Center provides the following key services:
- We support students who want to study abroad (language study, internships, experiential learning programs);
- We receive international students from our partners overseas (short-term, long-term programs (SHSU) and internships);
- We promote international exchange on campus (Chinese speech contests, international events).
Through these activities, our primary mission is to provide students with a realistic experience of international exchange both inside and outside the campus.
Everybody has different motivations for studying abroad and a different view of what they want to experience in life. Personally, I am passionate about studying abroad and gaining international experience. For me, I was motivated to travel to find out what life abroad was like. How do people in other countries think? What do people in other countries eat? How do people in other countries show their feelings? I was curious. During the summer vacation of my freshman year in college I taught children English in Spain and this experience changed my life. The following year, I went to Iceland on a research trip and after graduation, I moved to Japan. I've been here ever since! I want to be able to provide my students with similar life-changing experiences.
It doesn't matter what form of international experience you want to have or for what purpose, if you have any wish to study abroad or to learn more about other cultures, please have the courage to go for it. Efforts to leave your comfort zone are the first steps in international exchange. You will surely find a whole new you.
Please come and visit us at the International Exchange Center, we will do everything we can to support you!
Togaku Abroaderになろう!
- 海外研修、海外留学への支援(語学学習、インターンシップ、海外体験)
- 海外の大学からの受け入れ(短期のSHSU in Togaku、長期のインターンシップなど)
- キャンパス内での国際交流(中国語スピーチコンテスト、国際的なイベントなど)
留学を通して学びたいこと、実際どんな体験をしたいかは、皆それぞれ違います。私自身、留学と異文化体験に情熱を持っています。私の留学の目的は最初、海外で生活することが、どんなものかを知ることでした。「他の国の人々はどう考えているか? 」「他の国の人々は何を食べているか?」「 他の国の人々は自分の気持ちをどう表現するか?」 私は好奇心の塊でした。大学1年の夏休みに、スペインに児童英語を教えに行きました。この経験が私の人生を変えました。翌年は、研究旅行でアイスランドに行きました。卒業後は、日本に引っ越して来ました。それ以来ずっとここにいます!学生には、私と同様の経験の機会を提供したいと思っています。
どんな形の異文化体験であれ、それがどんな目的であれ、間違っているということはありません。少しでも留学したいなという思いがあったら、ぜひ勇気を出して海外に飛び出してみてください。自分のComfort Zone(日々の安心、安全な世界)を出ること、それが異文化体験の第一歩です。きっと新たな自分が見つかります!
国際交流センター長 セーラ ルイーザ バーチュリ