
Part-time English Instructor


<Job Opening for Part-time English Instructor>
We are looking for a native speaker of English who is interested in teaching university-level English classes on part-time basis.

Position and Rank:Part-time (non tenured), one year contract-based (renewable)
Employment period: From April 1st, 2016 to March 31, 2017
Content of work: Teaching load of two to three 90-minute classes (mainly 1st year oral, 2nd year compulsory and electives)
Place of work: Toyo Gakuen University

Hongo Campus:1-26-3 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033
Nagareyama Campus: 1660 Hiregasaki, Nagareyama, Chiba 270-0161

Salary: In accordance with the university’s pay regulations.
Number of positions: A few
Deadline: October 30th, 2015

  • A native speaker of English.
  • Master's degree in TEFL/TESOL, English Literature, English Linguistics,
    Applied Linguistics (English), or other related academic areas.
  • Experience in teaching in Japan, particularly at university level is preferable.
  • Valid visa required.

Application materials:

  • Cover letter, curriculum vitae with a photograph
  • A list of publications indicating which are major works
  • An offprint / photocopies of major works

Please send your application to The Personnel Department, Toyo Gakuen University1-26-3 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033.
*Please indicate “Part-time Instructor Application” on the envelope and send by registered mail. (The applications must arrive no later than October 30th, 2015.)
*Application documents will not be returned. If you would like them to be returned, please enclose a return envelope or cash-on-delivery label.

Recruitment method:
Interview after the screening of application materials

Notification of result:
Short-listed candidates will be contacted by mid-November for on-campus interviews by email. The interviews will be held at Hongo campus.
Transportation fee for the interview will not be provided.

Contact information:
Personnel Department, Toyo Gakuen University
Email: saiyo@of.tyg.jp (No phone inquiry accepted)