
[研究・論文発表]Jeffrey Durand講師、Jason Pratt講師(The 13th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education)


Jeffery Durand講師とJason Pratt講師がThe 13th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Educationにて、下記の通り研究発表を行いました。

The 13th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education

2019年 3月 18日-19日 Royal Plaza on Scotts (シンガポール)

Japanese Students’ Perceptions of Being Global

Jason Pratt and Jeffery Durand presented ro participants from around the world on the reseach they have done with Dr. Sarah Birchley on developing students' global mindesets.To address the needs of the nation's economy, the Japanese government has called for creating global human resources. Focus groups were organized at Toyo Gakuen University to learn what students believe being global is and how important it is to their futures. Answers often related to issues of language ability and interactions with non-Japanese people. Mr. Pratt and Mr. Durand shared their team's findings and spoke on issues related to increasing global mindsets.

東洋学園大学_Jeffery Durand講師
Jeffery Durand講師

東洋学園大学_Jason Pratt講師
Jason Pratt講師